In order to return back to normality, we will need the trust of people who use our facilities. On our behalf, we have made changes in the way we have organized our infrastructures and work, and we have also taken initiative so that we can create a sense of security for our visitors from the moment they step foot to our working place.

For this reason:

  • • We have developed a protocol according to NPHO, World Health Organization and Diversey with the assistance of a counselor who specializes in matters of hygiene and touristic facilities. In the protocol we emphasize on the cleaning of restaurants, bars and shared rooms. In the meantime, we have placed antiseptic everywhere.  
  • • In order to reduce the perils, we have adjusted the procedures of ordering, preparing, delivering, consumption and payment of food and drinks in all the places of food production and hospitality according to HACCP and EFET. 
  • • We have taken all precautionary measures necessary for our staff while all of them are being trained regularly.
  • • We have reduced the number of visitors: less tables, bigger distances in between umbrellas, less furniture, according to legal requirements so that we can all keep safe distances.
  • • We offer the possibility for access to our contactless menus by scanning the QR code which can be found in all our tables.
  • • We support electronic payments while you can use our Wi-Fi everywhere.
  • • We have increased the sampling that is related to food safety.
  • • We ask your ideas for an open conversation in order to create an even better environment under the new circumstances. Our staff is always ready to apply the new measures.

Let’s all try and achieve our one and only goal, which is to have another successful season with safety for everyone.


Dear honorable guest & clients,

Dear valued employees,

We hope that you and all your loved ones are healthy and safe through the current worldwide health situation, with its gravity and seriousness.

We are happy to inform you that, we at Batis Multiplex are ready to restart and resume our operations, gradually and according to the Greek laws and regulations.

Therefore, our beach, our camping “TERRA”, our taverna “ELIA”, our beach bar “AQUARELLA” and our pool bar “ILION”, will open for guests on the 1st of June, 2020.

Until now, we are not yet allowed to operate our ball rooms/conference halls “ODYSSEA” and “SELINI”. We will update you with all available information.

Until the 31st of May, no entry is allowed into our premises.

We will commence operations maintaining safety distances and taking all the necessary precautions recommended by the Greek Authorities as well as CDC and WHO in order to protect the health & safety of our guests and employees. All batis’ Multiplex team is currently working, full force, to apply the latest protocols about hygiene & cleaning, health & safety.

Moreover, we are soon going to be "CoVid-Shield" certified by TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas. This Holistic Certification focuses on Health, Safety and Business Sustainability. It aims in increasing the trust of guests and clients in businesses, which apply the guidelines and are TÜV AUSTRIA “CoVid-Shield” certified.

We reassure our dear guests and clients that we meet the highest standards regarding your health and comfort during your stay.

We hope to see you all very soon,

Till then, stay safe!

Best regards, Lena Garifallou | CEO

Dear valued client,

The spread of the coronavirus is affecting people’s lives all over the globe.

It is having a particularly strong impact on tourism and hospitality worldwide.

The situation surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 is changing rapidly.

On March 14th, 2020 the Greek Government applied the measure of suspending the operations of all seasonal resorts until May 1st, 2020, in order to combat the spread of the virus.

Fully committed to offering safe holidays to our guests and clients and in accordance with the new Government’s measures, Batis’s Multiplex opening is postponed to 1st May, 2020, until further notice.

We are well aware that, due to these developments, at present we are sadly unable to offer you the kind of event’s services, that you have come to expect and enjoy.

For this, we offer you our sincere apologies.

Flexible rebooking - Changes to your booking

We remain committed to providing you with travel and event planning flexibility during this constantly changing situation.

Should you have booked an event with us within the next couple of months, with new restrictions being put in place on an almost daily basis, it is likely that you will need to make adjustments to your upcoming event bookings.

We offer rebooking provisions to help our clients as much as possible in these uncertain times.

These provisions apply to all events booked to date.

All events can be rebooked within the period starting from and including 1st of May, 2020 up to and including 31st December 2020, upon availability and provided that legislation/regulations will allow so.

Specifically, all events booked within 2020 can be rescheduled, free of any rebooking charges, within the same year, 2020.

Should you need to rebook, please know that our dedicated management team is available around the clock to help you with those changes.

However, please understand that, as the current situation is still evolving, it is possible that above rebooking options may be redefined.

Please rest assured that we at BATIS SA will continue to do everything in our power to welcome you safely and that you, our customer, will always remain at the heart of all our activities.

We encourage you to stay informed of the guidance provided by the World Health Organization and your local health authorities.

You will also find all the latest news regarding our operations during the coronavirus crisis at our website

Thank you for placing your trust in us.

Your sincerely,

Lena Garifallou | CEO

Dear honorable guest & clients,

Dear valued staff & personnel,


Over the past 17 years Batis΄ guiding principle, the epicenter of our mentality, has always been to cater and care for the human factor: our guests & clients, our staff and employees.

Today, more than ever, this core value guides us, as we navigate through the difficult challenge that COVID-19 presents with.

Our top priority is to protect the wellbeing, the health & safety of the human factor, as we do for our own families.

On March 14th, 2020 the Greek Government applied the measure of suspending the operations of all seasonal resorts until May 1st, 2020 in order to combat the spread of the virus.

Fully committed to offering safe holidays to our guests and clients and in accordance with the New Government measure, Batis Multiplex opening is postponed to 1st May 2020, until further notice.

We also remain committed to providing you with travel and event planning flexibility during this constantly changing situation.

We will continue to monitor, assess and act on the information and guidelines available. Please rest assured that our already robust hygiene standards are even more so enhanced, based on the latest COVID-19 guidance from international and local authorities.

Daily, at Batis Multiplex we are working to ensure that we meet the latest guidance from the CDC and WHO on hygiene and cleaning and be ready to welcome you back soon, with the reassurance that we will maintain the utmost health and comfort for you during your stay.

Throughout these times, we will do everything in our power to respond to your needs and best support our Batis Multiplex family of guests and clients, partners and employees.

As you will comprehend, these measures are beyond our control.

Thank you for the support, loyalty and trust that you continue to place in us.

Thank you for your understanding, stay healthy and we invite you to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +30 2510 245918.

Thank you for choosing Batis Multiplex and we look forward to welcoming you soon.

Best regards,

Lena Garifallou | CEO